For Retail

Cloud telephony solutions in retail, especially with the integration of Webex for BroadWorks, revolutionize customer interaction and store management. This technology enables retailers to manage communications more effectively, providing a centralized platform for services such as customer support, inventory management, and online transaction processing. With features like advanced call distribution and seamless CRM integration, retail staff can offer personalized customer experiences, respond promptly to inquiries, and handle sales more efficiently. Webex for BroadWorks enhances these capabilities, allowing for improved collaboration among team members and real-time engagement with customers. This modern approach to telephony is not only cost-effective but also scales with the business, making it ideal for retail environments seeking to enhance efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Harmony Suite Packages

  • Auto Attendant
  • Attendant Console
  • Call Recording
  • Mobility
  • Call Center Basic
  • CRM integration
  • Broadcast
  • Push To Talk
  • 2-Line Basic
  • 4-Line Advanced
  • Video Phone
  • Conferencing
  • DECT
  • Headset
  • 3rd Party Phones

In Collaboration with our Partners